
You say Tomato………





Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Brian O'Driscoll

The humble tomato has come a long way since its journey from the new world in the 1500’s.  The name ‘tomato’, comes from the Aztec word “Tomatl”.  The Spanish may have been the first Europeans to bring to Spain in 1521, although some authors suggest Columbus may have brought tomato seeds back as early as 1491.


References to the tomato appear in books as early as the mid 1500s.  Writings at that time referenced a new type of “eggplant”, that could be cooked and seasoned with salt and pepper.  Despite this, it appears early tomatoes were first grown for decoration, not eating.


But in time,  tomatoes spread throughout southern Europe, and cookbooks featuring tomato recipes began appearing in the mid 1600’s, and new and varied forms tomatoes were developed.  Unfortunately, general acceptance of the Tomato as food was hampered by persistent rumors of toxicity.   This situation was not helped by the publication of a booked called Herball, written by a John Gerard, in 1597 in England. In it, he call the Tomato plant “of ranke and stinking savor”   not a strong endorsement.  While he didn’t specifically call the Tomato poison, his less that enthusiastic description, discouraged the adoption of the Tomato as a foot in England, and later North America.


The first mention of Tomatoes in North American was around 1710, with the publication of a book by herbalist William Salmon.  At that time, the Tomato was mainly found in the south, but spread to other areas. It continued to be grown as an ornamental, but it continued to be dogged by rumors that it was poisonous.


The Tomato’s' reputation was helped somewhat by Thomas Jefferson, who ate tomato dishes during his time in France.  He send seeds back to Monticello, where he grew them.


By the early nineteenth century, tomato recipes were appearing in American books, newspapers, and magazines.  Slowly, Tomatoes began to be grown in all parts of the United States, and more varieties of Tomatoes were being developed.


By 1897, Joseph Campbell began to market condensed canned Tomato soup.  The humble tomato finally gained in rightful culinary place in the world food pantry.  


Today, tomatoes are grown around the world and is important part of the cuisine of almost all parts of the planet, with many varies of tomatoes.


In our next article, we will discuss growing and cooking tomatoes, including the leaves of the Tomato plant.  Are they toxic, or a great component of your next batch of sauce?